3 Step Bench Press Set Up
Posted by Robert King on

Always a remember a strong set up leads to a strong lift.
Be sure to treat your set up like it’s your first rep.
When you bench press I want you to think of these 3 steps.
If You Bench Press Alone You Need To Watch This Video
Posted by Robert King on

If you bench press alone knowing this one little tip may literally save your life.While all lifting and strength training can be dangerous bench pressing alone and making this one mistake could literally cost you your life.Once you watch this video and see what I am talking about you will understand.Be sure to watch the video and apply this one little tip to your bench press training if you train aloneI hope this article and video helps you.@CoachRobertKing Coach Rob is a Power Lifting IPF World Champion, 9X Worlds Medalist, 5X Team Canada Coach and the owner of Women Who...